




來(lái)源:http://www.aplwebs.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-07-28 瀏覽次數:0

任何設備在使用過(guò)程中都會(huì )有耗損,只要經(jīng)過(guò)恰到好處的保養,便可以有效的延長(cháng)設備的使用壽命,那么數控焊接時(shí)要提前知道什么事項呢?
Any equipment will be worn out in the process of use. As long as it is properly maintained, the service life of the equipment can be effectively extended. What should be known in advance during NC welding?
Check whether the power supply of the equipment is normal
Whether the power supply is normal is related to whether the equipment can be used normally and the service life of internal components. For example, if the power supply is short of power, it is often easy to guide the internal filter capacitor of the equipment to burst, the IGBT is seriously heated and even burst, and other abnormal conditions. Inspection items:
Whether the power inlet connector at the power supply switch is connected reliably, and whether there are abnormal conditions such as oxidation, discoloration, smoking, redness, etc; Measure whether the grid voltage is within 380V ± 15%; Whether the appearance of the power supply line is damaged, extruded and deformed; If the power line is lengthened, it is necessary to check whether the intermediate connection joint is firm and whether the insulation treatment is reliable.
Check whether the output connection of the device is normal
Whether the output connection is reliable is related to the stability of welding (cutting) process, connection life, etc. For example, if the quick connector at the output end is loose, it is easy to ignite and burn the connector during high current welding (cutting), resulting in the scrapping of the whole connector, and it is troublesome to replace it. Inspection items:
Whether the welding (cutting) cable connection at the output end is reliable, and whether there are abnormal conditions such as blackening, smoking, charring, etc; Whether the joints of the welding gun (cutting gun) at the output end are connected reliably, and whether there are abnormal conditions such as air leakage and water leakage; Whether the connection of the control line connector at the output end is reliable, and whether the appearance of the control cable is damaged, extruded and deformed. Inspection frequency: the connection mode is quick connector connection, which should be inspected once a day before operation; The connection method is bolt and nut connection, which should be checked once a week.
4. Check and tighten the connecting screws of the conductive parts inside the equipment
山東數控焊接設備廠(chǎng)家建議用螺栓螺母緊固的部位,會(huì )因為發(fā)熱、振動(dòng)等原因,慢慢發(fā)生松動(dòng)。如果不及時(shí)緊固,將導致整個(gè)連接點(diǎn)燒損,整機無(wú)法工作。設備除塵后,應對設備內部主要導電部件的連接螺釘進(jìn)行檢查和緊固。如果已經(jīng)有打火現象的接點(diǎn),應該將連接點(diǎn)進(jìn)行打磨后,涂上導電硅脂,重新進(jìn)行連接。
Shandong CNC welding equipment manufacturers suggest that the parts fastened with bolts and nuts will slowly loosen due to heating, vibration and other reasons. If it is not fastened in time, the whole connection point will be burned and the whole machine will not work. After dust removal, the connecting screws of the main conductive parts inside the equipment shall be checked and tightened. If the contact has sparking phenomenon, the connection point should be polished, coated with conductive silicone grease, and then reconnected.
此外焊機在長(cháng)期的使用過(guò)程中難免會(huì )因為外力的碰撞導致外殼變形或者是生銹,內部的零件也會(huì )有所消磨,因此在年度的保養以及檢查時(shí)要及時(shí)更換零件或修補外殼。更多相關(guān)內容就來(lái)網(wǎng)站http://www.aplwebs.com咨詢(xún)吧。
In addition, during the long-term use of the welding machine, it is inevitable that the shell will be deformed or rusted due to the collision of external forces, and the internal parts will also be worn away. Therefore, the parts should be replaced or the shell repaired in time during the annual maintenance and inspection. Come to the website for more relevant content http://www.aplwebs.com Consult.
