




來(lái)源:http://www.aplwebs.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-06-28 瀏覽次數:0

在現今有許多的地方會(huì )用到焊接,我們要知道哪些東西可以焊接,焊接的厚度多少才比較適合。那么塑料焊接在使用時(shí)有哪些需要注意的事項呢?要保證焊接質(zhì)量的話(huà)有哪些重要的因素呢?要考慮焊接時(shí)的壓力和時(shí)間等。

Nowadays, welding is used in many places. First of all, we need to know what can be welded and what thickness is suitable for welding. So what should we pay attention to when using plastic welding? What are the important factors to ensure the welding quality? First of all, the pressure and time of welding should be considered.
1. Pressure.
對焊接表面施加適當的壓力,焊接材料將由彈性向塑性過(guò)渡,還可以促進(jìn)了分子相互擴散并擠去焊縫中的殘余空氣,從而增加焊接面密封性能。如果在焊接時(shí)未往下壓,或者焊條拉伸太大,往往會(huì )引起開(kāi)裂。
Applying proper pressure on the welding surface, the welding material will be transformed from elastic to plastic, which can also promote the mutual diffusion of molecules and squeeze out the residual air in the weld, thus increasing the sealing performance of the welding surface. If the welding is not pressed down, or the electrode is stretched too much, it will often cause cracking.
2. Time
要有適當的熱熔時(shí)間和足夠的冷卻時(shí)間。當熱功率一定時(shí),時(shí)間不夠會(huì )出現虛焊,時(shí)間過(guò)長(cháng)會(huì )造成焊件變形,熔渣溢出,有時(shí)還會(huì )在非焊接部位出現熱斑(變色)。一定保證焊接面吸收足夠的熱量達到充分熔融的狀態(tài),才能保證分子間充分擴散熔合,同時(shí)一定保證足夠的冷卻時(shí)間使焊縫達到足夠的強度。
There should be proper hot melting time and enough cooling time. When the thermal power is fixed, insufficient time will lead to false welding, too long time will cause deformation of weldment, slag overflow, and sometimes hot spot (discoloration) will appear in the non welding parts. It is necessary to ensure that the welding surface absorbs enough heat to reach the state of full melting, so as to ensure the full diffusion and fusion between molecules, and at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the cooling time is enough to make the weld achieve sufficient strength.
3. Melting amount
熱熔時(shí)間和熱功率協(xié)調調整才會(huì )得到恰當的熔融量,保證足夠的分子間融合,虛焊的現象。除了焊接設備和操作人員技能水平外,來(lái)之于塑料內部或外部的各種因素,對焊接質(zhì)量有一定的影響,應當引起重視。
Only when the melting time and heat power are adjusted coordinately, the appropriate melting amount can be obtained, enough intermolecular fusion can be ensured, and the phenomenon of false welding can be eliminated. In addition to the skill level of welding equipment and operators, various factors from the inside or outside of plastics have certain influence on the welding quality, which should be paid attention to.
以上就是山東數控焊接設備廠(chǎng)家為大家所講解的內容,希望可以幫助到大家,更多的精彩內容希望可以關(guān)注:http://www.aplwebs.com會(huì )有精彩內容呈現給大家。
The above is what Shandong numerical control welding equipment manufacturer explained to you. I hope it can help you. I hope you can pay attention to more wonderful contents http://www.aplwebs.com There will be wonderful content for you.

上一篇:焊接機器人在使用時(shí)能為工廠(chǎng)創(chuàng )造哪些優(yōu)勢?