




來(lái)源:http://www.aplwebs.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-03-14 瀏覽次數:0

1、切割應從邊緣開(kāi)始;盡可能從邊緣開(kāi)始切割,而不要穿孔切割。采用邊緣作為起始點(diǎn)會(huì )延長(cháng)消耗件的壽命,正確的方法是將噴嘴直接對準工件邊緣后再啟動(dòng)等離子弧。
1. Cutting shall start from the edge; Cut as far as possible from the edge rather than through the hole. Using the edge as the starting point will prolong the service life of the consumable parts. The correct method is to directly align the nozzle with the edge of the workpiece and then start the plasma arc.
2. Reduce unnecessary "arc striking (or pilot)" time; The consumption of nozzle and electrode during arc striking is very fast. Before starting, the cutting torch should be placed within the walking distance of cutting metal.
3. Do not overload the nozzle; Overloading the nozzle (that is, exceeding the working current of the nozzle) will quickly damage the nozzle. The current intensity should be 95% of the working current of the nozzle. For example, the current intensity of 100A nozzle should be set to 95A.
4. Shandong CNC welding equipment manufacturer suggests that reasonable cutting distance should be adopted here; According to the requirements of the operation manual, use a reasonable cutting distance, which is the distance between the cutting nozzle and the workpiece surface. When piercing, try to use the distance of 2 times of the normal cutting distance or the large height that can be transmitted by the plasma arc.
5. The perforation thickness shall be within the allowable range of the machine system; The cutting machine cannot perforate the steel plate exceeding the working thickness, and the normal perforation thickness is 1/2 of the normal cutting thickness.
6、盡量保持數控切割機割炬和消耗件清潔:在割炬和消耗件上的任何臟物都會(huì )大大地影響等離子系統的功能。更換消耗件時(shí)要將其放在干凈的絨布上,要經(jīng)常檢查割炬的連接羅紋,用過(guò)氧化氫類(lèi)清潔劑清洗電極接觸面和噴嘴。
6. Try to keep the cutting torch and consumable parts of the CNC cutting machine clean: any dirt on the cutting torch and consumable parts will greatly affect the function of the plasma system. When replacing the consumable parts, put them on a clean flannelette, check the connection rib of the cutting torch frequently, and clean the electrode contact surface and nozzle with hydrogen peroxide detergent.
7、盡量少穿孔切割,穿孔是鋼水反濺會(huì )傷及噴嘴,這是割嘴損壞的主要原因之一,如果一定要穿孔切割,在穿孔處用鉆頭打預鉆孔,在從預鉆孔處開(kāi)始切割;
7. Try to cut as few holes as possible. Perforation is one of the main reasons for the damage of the cutting nozzle due to the back-splashing of molten steel. If it is necessary to cut holes, use a drill bit to drill holes in the hole and start cutting from the hole;
8. Try to cut within the rated normal cutting thickness of the cutting machine, and try not to cut beyond the limit cutting thickness. The normal cutting thickness of the domestic cutting machine is generally 60% of the large cutting thickness marked by the manufacturer, and try to cut within this thickness range to protect the cutting nozzle;
9、割嘴到鋼板的距離盡量保持恒定,一般在3-8mm左右,太遠了不但耗電量太大,切割穿透能力力會(huì )下降,而且相對比較消耗電極,使電極使用壽命下降;太近了那更簡(jiǎn)單,非常費噴嘴,噴嘴的使用壽命會(huì )成倍的下降,甚與上去即被燒掉。
9. The distance from the cutting nozzle to the steel plate should be kept as constant as possible, generally about 3-8mm. If it is too far away, it will not only consume too much power, but also reduce the cutting penetration ability, and relatively consume the electrode, which will reduce the service life of the electrode; If it is too close, it will be simpler and very expensive. The service life of the nozzle will be doubled, or even burned up immediately.
The above is the correct use of CNC welding machine and some tips in daily use. I hope it can help you solve some problems in use. For more equipment use or purchase, please visit our website http://www.aplwebs.com Contact us for consultation!

上一篇:自動(dòng)焊接設備會(huì )對電機繞組有不良影響嗎?